FBC Kids exists to Glorify God through the fulfillment of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20)
We want to teach the Word so kids understand their need of a Saviour and have a personal relationship with Him. Then have kids live out the Word and grow in Him to become more like Jesus. We desire for our children to love God and others in the spirit of the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:37-39).

Preschoolers' Playgroup
Playing in a safe environment, parents and their preschoolers meet Wednesday mornings from 9:30 - 11:00.
Check out our Facebook page for more information
Little Footsteps and Explorers: Walkers - JK
Little ones will have a Bible story and playtime in our staffed room. Meets weekly.

Discoverers: SK - Grade 1
Children will use The Gospel Project to help them dive deep into the big story of the Bible—God's plan to rescue His people through His Son, Jesus Christ. They will also have a time of guided play. Meets weekly.
Quest: Grades 2-5
In a quest for Biblical knowledge, our kids will use What’s in the Bible to help provide them with a foundational knowledge of the Bible and of their faith that can launch them on a lifelong walk with God—a journey that will change them and change the world around them. Meets weekly downstairs in the long room.

Sunday Programs
All classes will be dismissed after the worship time.
9:30 Service has 2 classes
Walkers up to JK
SK - Gr. 2
11:00 Service and off-site services have 3 classes
Walkers up to JK
SK - Gr. 1
Gr. 2 - Gr. 5