About Us
A Gospel Centred Church in a Small Town
The Ministries at Fellowship Bible Church are committed to preaching and living out the Word. This means that our ministries strive to emulate God’s will as revealed in the Bible . When considering the purpose of our ministry, we reflect on the words of Jesus as recorded in the book of Matthew.
"And Jesus came and said to them, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.'" (Matthew 28:18-20).
"And he said to him, 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'" (Matthew 22:37-39).
These verses form the basis for the mission, vision, and core pillars of our church.
Our Mission
The Mission of Fellowship Bible Church describes what we believe God has called us to do as we serve him in our community.

The Mission of Fellowship Bible Church Is:
“We exist to glorify God and make disciples by demonstrating love for God his church, and the world”
We believe that we have an incredible message of hope to share with the world around us about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is the message of the Gospel. Before Jesus returned to Heaven, he left all those who follow him with an important mission, to share this message with the world, and make more disciples of Jesus Christ. this is the mission that we are seeking to live out as Fellowship Bible Church.
Our Vision
The Vision of Fellowship Bible Church describes what we pray will happen as we live out the mission that God has given us.

Changed Hearts
As people come to FBC, our prayer is that they would encounter God, leading to changed hearts. Our prayer for every person who chooses to visit, or attend Fellowship Bible Church is that they would have an opportunity to personally experience the transformative power of the Gospel for themselves.

Community Impact
We believe that God has not only called us to care for those in the church, but to be actively reaching out into our community. Our prayer is that each and every member of FBC would be intentional about building relationships with their neighbours and that, in time, every person in New Hamburg would have an opportunity to hear the message of the Gospel proclaimed.

Deeper Disciples
We believe that following Jesus us more than just a one time decision, but rather something that impacts every part of how you live your life. At FBC we desire to walk with people through the process of progressive sanctification, helping them understand how the Gospel impacts and changes every area of life.
Our Pillars
The pillars of Fellowship Bible Church describe how we plan to live out the mission that God has given us, and how we pray we will be able to see the vision of our church become a reality.
1. Worship / Prayer
FBC looks to provide a worship experience that provides understanding God in His Holiness. We seek to provide an atmosphere that parallels Isaiah 6 where our congregation sees God and His attributes, recognizes their sinfulness, and encourages the Biblical response of changed hearts.
2. Witness / Evangelism
We seek to challenge and help excite believers by prompting them to declare the good things God has done in their lives and to tell others how they may share in the life we have in Christ. This will breed a spiritual culture that is faithful to the Great Commission found in Matt. 28:18-20.
3. Discipleship
Discipleship needs to provide opportunities to train our church family for a lifetime of Christian service. Effective ministry needs to provide training to understand the truths of Scripture and the methods and behaviors to live them out (2 Tim 2:2). It is important to teach our church family that they cannot separate spiritual maturity from behavior.
4. Fellowship
Biblical fellowship involves sharing spiritually, physically and emotionally in the material goods, struggles, truths of God, and victories of Christianity. It may involve money, advice, encouragement, help, prayer, or Scripture, thus creating unity. Following the example of Acts 2:41-47 where believers met frequently, the Word was paramount, and the people were unified.